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We hunt about 30 miles north of Brady, TX and as you can see from the attached photo our varmint cage isn't working! Usually they hang from the cage and spin the corn out. We've never seen them inside the cage before. Something had to be done so we started out with two corn banks in our HCR feeders. To say they made a difference would be an understatement! During one month the feeders without the corn bank, which holds 10 bags of corn, were either empty or needed 8 bags of corn vs the corn bank feeders which only needed 1-2 bags of corn. It didn't take us long to put corn banks in the rest of our feeders. HCR's adapter plate for the corn bank made it especially easy to install on those 7 feeders. We didn't have any issues installing with the other 2 feeders either. The best thing is knowing that we're feeding the deer and not wasting our money on raccoons. We should be able to cut our corn bill by well over half next year. We have been very happy with your product and service!


—  Buch Hayes

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